

【Music】【GREEN RUSH】【高城剛さん講演会】Simon Vuarambon - Alcyon

2019年「GREEN RUSH(日比谷野音)」で流れていた曲です。


2019年に東京日比谷公園大音楽堂で高城剛単独トークライブ「GREEN RUSH」が開催されました。「Alcyon」は会場で流れていた曲です。

Simon Vaurambon氏は、スイスのジュネーブ出身でアルゼンチン在住の若手DJ・プロデューサーです。6歳ごろからギターを弾くなど音楽を始め、9歳ごろから電子音楽や音楽制作、またDJ・プロデューサーとしての最初のステップは「Ableton Live」と「Logic」を独学で学ぶところから始めたそうです。

EG: Which were your first steps as a DJ and producer?

Simon Vuarambon: In both cases as an autodidact, one day I got into Ableton Live and Logic, and started to learn them without having any knowledge of music production, so thanks to books, tutorials, help from producers and a lot of trying and failing I started to understand the process. The same thing happened later with DJing, I spent many hours in my room mixing records.

EG: You were born in Switzerland and have been living in Argentina for a while, two very different countries. Does the difference between the two cultures influence your music?

Simon Vuarambon: In some aspects, I would say that my music is technically structured and organized although there’s always freedom and experimentation. These opposite sides complement each other and it maybe has something to do with my bicultural identity you mentioned before.

Simon Vuarambon: “I try to make the music speak for itself”(electronic groove)


Simon Vuarambon - Alcyon(Youtube)
Simon Vuarambon: “I try to make the music speak for itself”(electronic groove)